The glute muscles are one of the most important stabilizing muscles in our body, three different muscles make up our backside. These
are gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus, to strengthen these muscles you will need the best glute exercises. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered what will it take to get firm and shapely buttocks? If the answer is yes then trying exercises like the lunges and squats would prove beneficial.
Inculcating cardiovascular exercises like incline treadmill walks, stair stepper routines, etc are essential components for getting your butt in shape. These routines will help you shed some of the excess weight around the thigh and waist region. Cardio exercises will also help build strength and stamina which will prove beneficial when you get into weight training to firm your butt. Keep your interest levels up by watching exercise videos and reading health magazines when you are following any workout regimen, this will keep you from losing interest in the workout.
The Best Glute Exercises
One of the most important aspects of getting in shape is having a proper diet plan that will support your fitness goals. Having a flexible workout plan is also crucial for success, another important factor is to chalk out realistic goals to avoid disappointments and discontinuation of the workout.
Lunges is one of the best glute exercises for men as well as women, use the squat rack to lift a barbell with weights on your shoulder. Grip the bar slightly wider that shoulder width, step back and stand straight with your feet close to each other this will be your starting position. Now lift your right leg and take a stride ahead, now bend your left knee and go down. Ensure your right knee doesn’t cross the toe when you go down, keep your left thigh perpendicular to the ground and do not touch the left knee on the floor. Now come back up to the starting position by digging your right heel into the ground. Exhale when you come up and inhale when you go down.
Lunges is one of the best glute exercises for men as well as women, use the squat rack to lift a barbell with weights on your shoulder. Grip the bar slightly wider that shoulder width, step back and stand straight with your feet close to each other this will be your starting position. Now lift your right leg and take a stride ahead, now bend your left knee and go down. Ensure your right knee doesn’t cross the toe when you go down, keep your left thigh perpendicular to the ground and do not touch the left knee on the floor. Now come back up to the starting position by digging your right heel into the ground. Exhale when you come up and inhale when you go down.
Squats are one of the best glute exercises for runners as they will strengthen your hamstrings and core muscles which provide stability. Lift a barbell on to your shoulders from the squat rack and grip it wider than shoulder width. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with toes slightly pointing out and push your hips a little back. This will be your start position, now inhale and slowly go down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Go down till your thighs are parallel to the floor, make sure your knees don’t go ahead of your toes.
Squats are one of the best glute exercises for runners as they will strengthen your hamstrings and core muscles which provide stability. Lift a barbell on to your shoulders from the squat rack and grip it wider than shoulder width. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with toes slightly pointing out and push your hips a little back. This will be your start position, now inhale and slowly go down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Go down till your thighs are parallel to the floor, make sure your knees don’t go ahead of your toes.
Flutter Kicks
These are the best glute exercises for women as well as men, and are quiet easy to execute. Lie down on your stomach on a flat bench so that just your torso is on the bench and your hips on the edge of the bench. Straighten your legs so that the toes are pointing to the ground and the leg is parallel to the floor. Now lift your left leg towards the ceiling all the while keeping your right leg parallel to the floor. Slowly lower the left leg and then raise the right one for a good glute workout.
Hip Raises
This is one of the best glute exercises without weights or any kind of fitness equipment. Lie down on the floor and bend your knees to get your feet closer to your body. Firmly plant your feet in the ground and lift your hips and buttocks off the ground. Try and go as up as you can and hold the position for 10-15 seconds and then slowly lower the body back to the floor.
This is one of the best glute exercises without weights or any kind of fitness equipment. Lie down on the floor and bend your knees to get your feet closer to your body. Firmly plant your feet in the ground and lift your hips and buttocks off the ground. Try and go as up as you can and hold the position for 10-15 seconds and then slowly lower the body back to the floor.
Support your best glute exercises with proper diet and rest routine that produce ideal conditions for working out. It is also advisable to consult your physician before you perform any exercise, especially if it involves lifting weights.
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