Monday, 1 August 2011

Finding Bodybuilding Secrets

bodybuilding secrets

Getting Into the Know of Building Muscle

The biggest and bulkiest men and women in the sport of bodybuilding are also known for specific methods they have followed to get into shape.  The specific routines, as well as tools that they have used have also led them into championship status to get into the best shape of their life.  Knowing the bodybuilding secrets that these professionals carry can then help you to find the perfect routine while allowing you to work into your own level of bodybuilding.
When you begin to look for bodybuilding secrets, you want to make sure that you find which method suits you best.  There are several recommendations that are available, all which are based on building muscle quickly and effectively.  The first step to your investigation is to look for tips and tricks that don’t cause injury while providing you with faster results for different routines.  More than finding methods that work is the need to stick to one routine that you know will provide you with continuous support as you grow into the bulk you want.
Along with the specific methods and formulas that are available to assist you are smaller tips and tricks that bodybuilders use to build bulk.  These bodybuilding secrets ensure that you are able to push your body to develop more muscle.  Smaller considerations, such as the way you diet and exercise on a daily basis can assist you with your needs.  Many methods will also show you small changes that can be made, such as the number of reps you do at one time or how you focus on your training.  Paying attention to these smaller components can help you to get muscle faster while allowing you to slightly alter your routine for better results.
Whether you are just beginning to get into bodybuilding or want to know how to improve your routine, is the ability to find the best methods through bodybuilding secrets.  The several training concepts available from professionals are designed to push your body to the next level while allowing you to alter your workout routine for faster and more effective results.

How to Get in Shape with Bodybuilding Fat Loss

If you are searching for a way to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, then you will want to begin with building specific routines. There are several exercises and daily lifestyle options that you can use to reach your goals of creating the perfect body shape. Knowing what is involved in bodybuilding fat loss is one of the alternatives that can provide you with a new look and shape to your body.
There are several methods and approaches that are based on losing weight while gaining muscle. However, the two main concepts to consider are to diet and exercise regularly and with specific routines. As you do this, you will be able to find ways that your body responds, while allowing you to alter what is needed for the healthiest management of your body. When you are considering your diet, you want to make sure that you eat foods that will burn energy, such as proteins. Reducing the number of carbohydrates and fats that you eat, and focusing on vegetables and high energy foods should be the basis of this diet.
The next step to take with bodybuilding fat loss is to look at the workout routines you are using. For weight loss, it is recommended to have cardio in your routine, such as running, biking or aerobics. If you are looking into building muscle, then you will want to lift weights or include resistance training at least three times a week. While doing this, you will want to focus on different weight groups so you can get the best results without straining your muscles or your body.
With diet and exercise alone, you will be able to change the way that your body looks while getting the muscle and build that fits you best. Knowing what is included with basic bodybuilding fat loss can help you to alter your routine while turning your fat into muscle. Through this, you will have the ability to gain the bulk that you want, while removing the fat that is stopping you from being fit. ?

Building Mass with Natural Bodybuilding

When many focus on the sport of bodybuilding, they find that there are different methods to gain muscle and to add bulk. One of the alternatives that many have used to add in extra muscle more quickly is to use chemicals and drugs that enhance muscle building. If you don’t want to use this method when developing your routine, then creating a natural bodybuilding workout may be more effective. Knowing what is involved in natural methods and making sure that you define what you can or can’t do when beginning to build muscle will give you better results for professional levels of bodybuilding.
The main concept of natural bodybuilding began to appear through national and international competitions. This occurred when many of the professional bodybuilders began to use steroids and other heavier drugs to gain more muscle at a faster pace. The competition arenas began to put provisions on each competition where bodybuilders were tested for these drugs to make sure they weren’t focusing on building muscle with extra supplements to support their muscle build. From this basic concept are specific rules that have been developed to define the natural method for building muscle, with an understanding of what drugs or supplements are not considered safe for use.
If you are looking at natural bodybuilding such as those followed by Arnold, then you will want to combine diet and exercise as the main concepts for gaining muscle. Chemical induced drugs that are designed to help you gain muscle faster, such as steroids, will immediately eliminate you from the natural process of building muscle. You should also keep in mind that several supplements for bodybuilders may include different chemicals and substances that are not natural or healthy. Making sure that you don’t use these supplements ensures that you are building muscle naturally, without assistance that may not be healthy.
Staying healthy when you are gaining muscle is one of the main concepts that have been added into the mix of bodybuilding. Understanding the concepts of natural bodybuilding and entering into this profession without the support of drugs or chemicals, such as steroids, can help you to gain a healthier approach to bodybuilding. It will also allow you to have a healthier experience with lifting weights.

Types of Bodybuilding Supplements

Building Muscle With Complimentary Foods

Finding alternative ways to build muscle is the main priority of anyone who is interested in bodybuilding.  If you are searching for extra assistance for your endeavors, then looking into bodybuilding supplements is one of the considerations to make.  This provides you with a new approach to bodybuilding while allowing you to build muscle quickly and more effectively.

The first step to take when determining which bodybuilding supplements to get is to decide which will give you the most support for your workouts.  For instance, vitamins and minerals is often the main consideration, which will provide you with extra assistance while building muscle and keeping your body balanced.  The mixture of these supplements usually include specific vitamins, such as vitamin C, which is known for giving the muscles extra energy. Other natural minerals and vitamins, such as protein, can help with this same need for your muscles.
If you want extra bodybuilding supplements for faster muscle growth, then you can also consider the several mixtures of extra ingredients.  Typically, these will include a combination of natural supplements and chemicals that are designed to assist in muscle building.  This is done by providing extra energy to the muscles so your routines are enhanced and burn more energy.  These are placed together through specific technologies and an understanding of how muscle builds best so you can get the results that you desire.
For anyone that wants to enhance their workout routine and diet for muscle building is the ability to include bodybuilding supplements in your mixture of needs.  There are several options that are available to those who are interested in enhancing their everyday method for gaining muscle.  By using the variety of supplements available, you will have the ability to build muscle faster and more effectively, while giving your body extra support for gaining bulk.

Basics of Natural Bodybuilding Routines

Moving into various exercise and workout methods to gain muscle can often lead to specific mechanics that make a difference in the amount of bulk you are able to gain.  If you are searching for a specific routine that will fit into your needs, then considering natural bodybuilding routines may be the best option.  This allows you to work methodically toward bigger bulk without suffering from the downfalls of chemicals, supplements and routines that only temporarily provide you with the strength you need.
natural bodybuilding routine
When you are looking at natural body building routines, you need to consider the overall lifestyle you have.  This will help you to gain the muscle you desire in a natural way.  Most who are interested in the natural routines available will consider nutrition as the main priority to help gain muscle, strength and endurance.  This is enhanced by the workouts that are done to build the muscle bulk that is desired.  More than this, specific exercise options can naturally boost specific levels of hormones to help in muscle gain.
The first step to take when working your way into natural bodybuilding routines like Arnold, is to consider the diet you have.  Moving into higher levels of protein and finding foods that will support your workouts ensures that you are able to get the best options in muscle gain.  Combining this with exercises that  burn fat, build muscle and that don’t strain your muscles can then be used for a holistic approach to bodybuilding.
Anyone who is looking into the sport of bodybuilding can consider not only the basic ideals, but also a lifestyle change that can effectively build muscle.  Understanding the components of natural bodybuilding routines is one of the alternatives that are used to enhance muscle bulk.  Knowing what to include with this, without involving the outside chemicals or supplements can help you to gain muscle while keeping a natural look.

Do Lifting Heavy Weights Make You Look Bulkier?

Females long for a slim and toned body. They just hate to be big and bulkier. It is a wrong notion that heavy weights make you bulkier. But the fact is that heavy weights and fewer repetitions burn more energy. It’s noted that those who do these exercises are found to have a greater metabolic boost after exercise.
Then, you may wonder how males get those entire bulky muscle look. It’s a not so known fact that bulky muscles are attained with heavy weight lifting and heavy calorie consumption.
You know that the daily calorie requirement is 2000. But if you consume well above the daily requirement and doing heavy weight lifting undoubtedly you will be bulkier. It’s usually seen among girls that they opt for lighter weights. Spend more time in gym with more and more repetitions.
What if you can spend less time for workout with fewer repetitions of heavy weights? Many studies were conducted on this behalf and the result too gave full support for lifting challenging weights and fewer repetitions. But every day at my clinic I come across fitness conscious women raising their doubts on if they bulkier with lifting heavy weights. Thus I came to know that many are still in darkness about this concept and understood the need to write about the same in my blog.
In short, I recommend girls to go for challenging weights and try fewer repetitions. But keep in mind that you should be doing all the exercise within the safety comfort zone. It’s always good to have a personal trainer.
This is the same principle that works for power yoga. Some people think that yoga is always slow and boring. But they are unaware of the fact that there are immense possibilities in yoga.

Creatine For Muscle Building

Creatine: New Supplements for More Muscle

Anyone who is considering bodybuilding for a profession or amateur sport may be in need of assistance from supplements to build the right bulk.  Knowing what is available and on the market can help you to build faster and more effectively.  One of the newer options that many are using is Creatine for muscle building.  This specific supplement is becoming popular because of it’s natural and effective methods to help individuals gain the muscle they desire.
creatine for muscle
The main concept behind Creatine for muscle building is to create a boost of energy for building muscle before a workout.  This is a natural supplement that is created by the liver, pancreas and kidneys in the body.  As it is built, it releases a set of amino acids that move into the muscle tissue.  This is then stored until the body works off the amino acid energy in the muscles.  Because of the main mechanics of this supplement, it can help you to replenish supplies of energy to your muscle so your workouts are more effective.
Because Creatine is a natural supplement that is created by the body, it is also known as one of the safest and most effective options for boosting energy levels in the muscles.  By taking Creatine for muscle building before a workout, you will be able to replenish your muscles with high amounts of energy, which will make it easier to gain bulk and muscle.  At the same time, having the extra levels of creatine in your muscles will provide hydration to your muscle tissues, which is needed to stay healthy and balanced as you lift weights.
If you are trying to build muscle and bulk with more effectiveness, then considering creatine for muscle building is one of the alternatives.  This particular bodybuilding  supplement is able to provide a natural method for burning extra energy.  In return, you will have the ability to create the bulk that you want while using this specific mixture as a boost to support your muscles while they are gaining strength.

Body Building for Beginners – What’s Up Ahead?

Although it might seem very overwhelming, there is really nothing to be overwhelmed about when you start body building. The most important thing is to find the right bodybuilding plan so that you won’t have trouble adjusting.
Once you have a set plan, this will help you to stay focused on your goals and achieve the desired effect that you want. But how do you figure out which plan will work best for your body?
In this instance, you have several options available. You can either go for professional help by asking for advice on the proper diet and exercises to enhance your physique. On the other hand, you can also get information or guidelines in bodybuilding magazines or websites. There are countless information online that can help you find the right diet and program for you.
However, as a beginner, it is best if you enlist the help of a trainer. They should be able to give you the proper advice on what to do and the right diet to have. Always stick to what your instructor tells you and incorporate a diverse set of exercises in your routine.
It takes awhile to get the feel for bodybuilding exercises as opposed to just regular exercising since the goal would be to increase the muscle mass that you have and not simply to lose weight.
Your trainer should know the right exercises for you to do. He or she will mix up the exercises so that you can get the best results. However, for sure, you will get the regular bench presses, dumbbell curls, dumbbell squats as well as lying leg curls.
The best thing to keep in mind if you are still starting in bodybuilding is to not rush things. Even though you want to see results right away, there is no need to rush. Always keep yourself focused and wait for the results to happen gradually. Staying focused and disciplined will be the best way to achieve your desired results.

The Risks of Teenage Bodybuilding

Although it seems fairly common now, (thanks to Twilight hunk, Taylor Lautner) experts still argue that teen bodybuilding poses a risk. Most professionals advise against having teens go through bodybuilding at such a young age since they say that it could potentially hinder the growth of the muscles. A teenager’s body undergoes a lot of changes at a short amount time, this includes hormonal changes as well as sexual development.
These changes in the teen’s body causes a lot of stress hence, it’s wiser, according to experts, to simply avoid stressing the body even more. All these changes in a teen’s body can cause problems if they are interrupted at random. Thus, medics often say that bodybuilding at this age could just cause more negative problems than positive ones.
However, the good news is that all these fears seem to be unfounded. Of course, teens should still be cautious in doing activities or exercises that could stunt their growth, but recent studies have found out that bodybuilding is not a part of these activities. Even when the idea of bulking up was still unpopular for teens, there has been no study linking bodybuilding with stunted growth.
Perhaps the most important thing to do if a teen wants to bulk up would be to get him or her professional assistance. This will help to eliminate possible injuries as he or she goes through the various exercises.
Another important factor to watch out for in teen bodybuilding is the use and abuse of supplements. If a teen is unsupervised as he or she undergoes bodybuilding, they might suffer from supplement abuse problems. There are tons of these diet supplements and steroids being distributed in training centers as well as gyms.
It is important that the teen bodybuilder knows or understands what these supplements are for and how they work. They might get the wrong notion that this is a fast and easy way for them to bulk up when in fact it isn’t. Moreover, it can only cause more harm than good to their bodies.

Tips To Help Serious Beginner Bodybuilders

As a beginning bodybuilder, searching for information online can be overwhelming. There is so much information that it’s often hard to filter which one works or not. There can also be plenty of conflicting advice like others saying that eating tons of grain while trying to build your body is good while others says otherwise.
In spite of all this, the most important thing to keep in mind as a beginner is to always remember the basics of bodybuilding.
First, it is necessary to maintain a positive outlook. You can never achieve anything if you keep thinking that it will never work. It would help if you hang around people who also have the same positive outlook so that you can be motivated and influenced by them.
Second, never forget to do some aerobic exercises. Doing a 10 minute run on the treadmill or even a simple bike ride can help your body. Doing aerobics can increase muscle growth much better compared to hardcore exercises, of course, provided they are done right.
Third, adjust the weights every week. The amount of weight added per week would differ from one person to another. Most professionals would suggest adding 5% each work. This can help you bulk up without really straining your muscles.
Fourth, eliminate stress. This might be easier said than done but it is helpful to know that our body produces a chemical called cortisol when we are stressed out or when we exercise without having anything to eat. Cortisol inhibits the production of muscles so it’s important that is not found in our system.
Fifth, never overtrain. Although you might think that this will help you bulk up much faster, overtraining can cause a lot of damage and problems. It would be helpful if you set a limit to the number of hours for your workout. Eating the right food as well as getting enough sleep are also helpful.
Keeping the basics of bodybuilding in mind is important if you really want to succeed in the world of bodybuilding.

Best Glute Exercises

The glute muscles are one of the most important stabilizing muscles in our body, three different muscles make up our backside. These are gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus, to strengthen these muscles you will need the best glute exercises. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered what will it take to get firm and shapely buttocks? If the answer is yes then trying exercises like the lunges and squats would prove beneficial.
Inculcating cardiovascular exercises like incline treadmill walks, stair stepper routines, etc are essential components for getting your butt in shape. These routines will help you shed some of the excess weight around the thigh and waist region. Cardio exercises will also help build strength and stamina which will prove beneficial when you get into weight training to firm your butt. Keep your interest levels up by watching exercise videos and reading health magazines when you are following any workout regimen, this will keep you from losing interest in the workout.
The Best Glute Exercises
One of the most important aspects of getting in shape is having a proper diet plan that will support your fitness goals. Having a flexible workout plan is also crucial for success, another important factor is to chalk out realistic goals to avoid disappointments and discontinuation of the workout.
Lunges is one of the best glute exercises for men as well as women, use the squat rack to lift a barbell with weights on your shoulder. Grip the bar slightly wider that shoulder width, step back and stand straight with your feet close to each other this will be your starting position. Now lift your right leg and take a stride ahead, now bend your left knee and go down. Ensure your right knee doesn’t cross the toe when you go down, keep your left thigh perpendicular to the ground and do not touch the left knee on the floor. Now come back up to the starting position by digging your right heel into the ground. Exhale when you come up and inhale when you go down.
Squats are one of the best glute exercises for runners as they will strengthen your hamstrings and core muscles which provide stability. Lift a barbell on to your shoulders from the squat rack and grip it wider than shoulder width. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with toes slightly pointing out and push your hips a little back. This will be your start position, now inhale and slowly go down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Go down till your thighs are parallel to the floor, make sure your knees don’t go ahead of your toes.
Flutter Kicks
These are the best glute exercises for women as well as men, and are quiet easy to execute. Lie down on your stomach on a flat bench so that just your torso is on the bench and your hips on the edge of the bench. Straighten your legs so that the toes are pointing to the ground and the leg is parallel to the floor. Now lift your left leg towards the ceiling all the while keeping your right leg parallel to the floor. Slowly lower the left leg and then raise the right one for a good glute workout.
Hip Raises
This is one of the best glute exercises without weights or any kind of fitness equipment. Lie down on the floor and bend your knees to get your feet closer to your body. Firmly plant your feet in the ground and lift your hips and buttocks off the ground. Try and go as up as you can and hold the position for 10-15 seconds and then slowly lower the body back to the floor.
Support your best glute exercises with proper diet and rest routine that produce ideal conditions for working out. It is also advisable to consult your physician before you perform any exercise, especially if it involves lifting weights.

Exercise Bike Workout

Busy lifestyles, hectic schedules and no time for healthy food and rest have resulted in increase in cholesterollevels, obesity and many more health related problems in people all over the world. Health experts have developedworkouts, exercises and healthy diet plans for such people to help them cope with their lifestyle and to stay healthy. Apart from muscle building routines, weight training and yoga, exercise bike workouts have been one of the most effective ways to burn fats and encourage weight loss.
Exercise bike workouts have been found to increase a person’s heart beat by about 65-70 percent and this is the reason, why most of the people, who cannot find time to perform regular workouts, are attracted towards the exercise bike workouts. Another exercise bike benefit is that, exercise bike workouts can be done even at home and therefore are more preferred than going out for a walking exercise and jogging. Well, exercise bikes are no doubt useful and beneficial, but to make optimal use of its potential for your health and wellness, you need to know about the proper exercise bike workouts. So read on for some of the best exercise bike workouts in this article.
Exercise Bike Workouts
Below are some of the best exercise bike workouts that can form part of your regular exercise bike workout routine.
Basic Exercise Bike Workouts: This is the easiest bike workout and fit for beginners who are at a basic stage of initiating weight loss in their bodies. You need not follow this exercise bike workout routine everyday. You can do this type of exercise bike workout 3 times in a week. This exercise bike workout, needs warming up for about 10-15 minutes and then running the bike for about 15 -20 minutes. While doing this workout, measure your heart rate and see that is reaches the mark of 65-70 percent. Stop the exercise when it reaches that mark and relax for about 10 minutes. Further, continue with your routine exercises.
Aerobic Exercise Bike Workouts: For people who want a steady but continuous weight loss, the aerobic exercise bike workout is a very good option. All you have to do is to run the bike for about 30-40 minutes and try to reach the 65-70 percent mark. With this you will able to burn around 300 calories, which according to health experts is a good number to promote steady and continuous weight loss.
Intense Exercise Bike Workouts: These are commonly known as the interval exercise bike workouts. In such workouts you need to complete your warming up exercises and then start off with exercising on the bike. In this exercise, you need to have a high intensity bike exercise workout which increases your heart rate considerably. On finishing the first session, cool down for some time. After cooling down, go on for a second high intensity workout on your exercise bike. Short breaks in between the high intensity workouts are necessary in order to avoid conditions such as fitness burnouts, which are counter productive in achieving better results.

Body Fat Test

Body fat is nothing but fat deposited in your body. Fat can be of two types – storage body fat and essential body fat. Essential fat is required so as to maintain proper health while storage fat is accumulated in the adipose tissue. The amounts of essential fat is higher in women than in men due to the differing hormonal functions and demands of childbirth and on the other hand, storage fat protects the internal organs of the body. There are several medical tests and tools for body fat test and the best part is they can all be found online and you can get it done at home. But before we go into details of the different kinds of tests, you need to know what does your body fat percentage mean. Fat percentage means the ratio of the weight of fat in your body to your actual weight.
Home Body Fat Test
How to measure body fat is a common question most people ask. Instead of going to a professional, you can opt to use body fat monitors and get a test done at home. You just need to get a body fat scale so as to measure the amount of fat in your body quickly. These scales use the method of Bioelectrical Impedance so as to measure the percentage of fat. A low intensity electric current is passed through your body and then the measurement is taken. The result so found is used along with the total weight of a person so as to determine the total body fat. However, there are several factors like water content in the body, physical activity and skin temperature which may not give an accurate measurement.
For a relatively accurate measurement, you should make sure not to drink or eat for a few hours (at least 4 hours to be precise) before the test. Moreover, you should not go through any exercise for at least the last 12 hours. Even if these rules are followed, it has been found in some instances that there is a variation in the actual measurement.
Most Accurate Body Fat Test Methods
One of the most common body fat test which is known to give most accurate results is the immersion test also called underwater weighing. In this method, a scale is placed under a tank of water and a person sits on that scale. Once he or she sits on it, the person is told to blow air out as much as possible. After air is blown out, the person is dunked under water and is told to blow out even more. As fat is lighter compared to water, a person with more fat would float. Even though there is a slight margin of error, the accuracy is highly dependent on the amount of air blown out.
Another method of accurately measuring body fat is the DEXA method. This test is used to measure bone density, but it can measure fat density as well. The process uses a body scanner and two x-rays of of low intensity so that it can read soft tissue mass and bone mass. It hardly takes about 10 to 20 minutes for the test to be complete.
Bob pod gives excellent results and this type of test does not take even a minute to complete. You just need to enter a chamber in the shape of an egg and be there for just 20 seconds. The process is such that it can measure air displacement in the body within a matter of seconds. The resulting measure changes into relative body fat after taking into consideration the person’s weight.
Body Fat Test Calculator
Today with the improvement in technology, there are several body fat calculators which are found online and you just need to enter the measurement of your body to get the measurement. You should be ready with the measurement of the lower back, tricep, subscapular, calf, thigh, suprailiac, abdomen, bicep and chest and enter them in the online calculator and once you are done with that, they automatically give you the results. The ideal body fat percentage depends on the race of the person as well. For example the bones of Africans tend to be more dense while those of Asians are lighter and this also has an effect on the body fat percentage.

Glute Exercises for Men

Gluteal muscles are build of three muscles that make up the human buttocks; the three muscles are gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle. The maximus has the honor of being the largest and the most strongest muscle in the human body. So it’s very important that you take good care of glute muscles and also ensure that you condition them by regular practice of glute exercises for men.
You must have often seen men doing exercises for the various parts of the body, almost everyone is in the race of acquiring of a broad chest and six pack abs. However, buttocks is one portion that most of us ignore. When you talk about total fitness, every part of the body should be exercised, this means right from the head to the toe. Now most of us are aware of the various cardiovascular and abdominal exercises, but is that enough? Gluteal muscles are very important as they make a man look sexy and remember your butt can serve as a great asset. Let’s begin practicing some glute exercises for men.
Best Glute Exercises for Men
Most men are unhappy with the way our back or rear end looks. It’s obvious as gluteal muscles have a tendency to put on more weight than rest of the muscles. Like hands and stomach, people consider have started taking the appearance of their butt seriously, so here are some thigh and butt exercises for the perfect rear end.
It’s one of the most simple exercises for men and women. Squats is something that everyone can do with ease. It strengthens your leg muscles but is also necessary for effective toning of the gluteal muscles. You can do squats with or without weights. To perform a squat, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width and keep your feet parallel. Start with bending your knees and bend your hips up and down. Make sure you bend your knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor, and then slowly lift yourself up.
Running and jogging are considered very good for your gluteal muscles. You can also try to run short sprints on hills and stairs which will help tone down your glutes on a faster rate. Run fast and proper. Run for 1 minute and walk back down to recover. Sprinting is a great gluteus medius exercise.
Extreme Squats
It’s called extreme squats because the performer’s butt goes way down, sometimes to the ankle if he has flexible knees. This is one of the best men’s glute exercises in which there’s a high amount of exertion on your ankles, hips and butts. You can also practice this exercise on the leg press machine.
Step Up
It’s one of the best glute exercises for women. Here you lift up one feet on an elevated platform and then with no support from hands or body lift your other leg to stand up on the platform. Now this exercise will work wonders only if you have a higher platform. You can practice this exercise on your regular staircase or on a big box for better result.
To make sure you get a perfect men’s glute workout, you can start walking fast on the treadmill in an inclined position. After a few minutes of brisk walking, you can also start some jogging on the treadmill. A great workout for your glute muscles.
So these were some of the best glute exercises for men, other than the above names you can also practice yoga and swimming as they are the best exercises for total body fitness. Training your glutes is often ignored in your body building routine, add these glute exercises in your routine and practice them regularly. The most important thing to remember, is to concentrate on the muscle working for effective results.

Effective Fitness

The dictionary describes the word ‘Fitness’ as being in good physical condition, an effective fitness training program is the one which gets you in shape. However the concept of fitness may differ from individual to individual. To help you better understand, maybe for a soccer player doing 10 laps of the track is being fit but on the other hand for a non athlete doing 4 laps is being fit. The tools to achieve fitness may also vary from individual to individual. Someone may prefer doing cardiovascular exercises to keep fit while others may prefer weight training. Here are a few elements of fitness training that will help you develop your own effective fitness training program. If you planing to hire a personal trainer check if he or she has an fitness training certification and clearly understands your goals and capacity.
Effective Fitness Training Programs
An effective fitness training program will help you build strength, stamina and make your more agile and flexible. So if you want to improve your fitness levels you need to stick to some basic principles it doesn’t matter whether you are a soccer player or a potato couch. One you need to incorporate exercises that will increase your stamina, two you need to build strength, three you need to eat right and last but not least take proper rest.
Stamina Building Exercises
One of the parameters of fitness is stamina, hence you need to incorporate exercises that will help you build your stamina. If you go to the gym for cardiovascular exercises use the treadmill, exercise bike, cross trainer, stair stepper, rowing machine, etc. If you are a beginner start with low intensity workout and do it for 15-20 minutes, later on increase the intensity and take it up to 35-40 minutes. If you don’t go to the gym try jogging or swimming to increase your stamina. Another important thing to remember is adding variety to your program other wise you risk getting bored and discontinuing the fitness regimen. Joining aerobic exercises classes or dance forms like zumba are some of the other ways to increase your stamina levels.
Strength Training Exercises
Being fit is having the strength to do things that we come across in our routine lives, this again is an relative concept. The strength required by an athlete will be more than a non athlete so the exercise and intensity of the routine will vary for individual to individual. If for example your lifestyle requires you to lift moderate to heavy weight, then include more of lower body workouts in your routine. Hence an effective soccer fitness training program will concentrate on leg exercises. If you go to the gym five days a week design a program that will allow you to involve all the muscle groups. Do exercise like squats, bench press, bicep curls, triceps extensions, lateral raises, lateral pull down, etc. if you workout without weights, include pull ups, push ups and abs exercises in your strength training routine.
Diet and Rest
Some of the most ignored aspects of a fitness regimen are proper diet to nourish the body and proper rest to help it heal and recover. Some of the foods you need to cut down on or totally avoid are deep fried food products like chips and chicken. You will also need to include green veggies in your diet plan to gain optimum levels of fitness. If you can include some supplements in your training program like whey protein, vitamin supplements, etc. Adequate rest is also important for your muscles to recover after an workout routine so ensure you take 1-2 days rest in your weekly routine. When it comes to training more is not necessarily better.
Devising an effective fitness training program is quiet simple if you stick to these basic principles and stick to the program. Do not expect immediate results give it at least 3-6 months and use effective means to measure your performance, like maintaining a workout sheet.

Buttocks Exercises

The buttocks are a part of the body with which most of us are not happy. There are different ‘adjectives’, which are used to speak about them. However, it may not have to be the same all the time. There are a number of simple buttocks exercises, which can be of immense help in getting rid of the problem. Most of these exercises arebodyweight exercises. In other words, you will not necessarily have to make use of any weights to do these exercises. It is best to repeat these exercises at least three to four times to see any noticeable difference. Now let’s see, which are the glute exercises for women and men.
Best Buttocks Exercises
Although you will come across a number of advertisements to help you in shaping the buttocks, let me tell you no amount of potions and machines will be of help like the tight buttocks exercises for men and women. For added resistance, you can make use of free weights like dumbbells and barbells. If you are doing the glute exercises for men and women at home, then you can make use of filled water bottle or tins.
Squats is one of the best compound exercises, which works not only the buttocks, but also the thighs. There are many variations of the squats exercise. One does not have to go to the gym to do this buttocks exercises for men and women. Stand with shoulders width distance between your feet. Slowly bend your knees and imitate the action as though you are about to sit in a chair. When you bend down, make sure your knees do not cross over the toes. At the same time you will have to ensure that your buttocks are sticking out, but your torso is upright. Hold the position and slowly come up. Repeat the gluteus medius exercise for 1 to 2 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions each.
Like the squats, lunges is also a compound exercise. It works the gluteal muscles along with the hamstrings, quads and calves. One can choose to do a number of variations of thisbuttocks exercises for women and men. To do this exercise, step the right leg in front of you. Now slowly lower yourself, till the right thigh is parallel to the floor and the left knee is about to touch the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and release the position. Repeat the lunges exercise on the right leg 10 to 12 times before you switch legs.
This is one of the effective glute exercises. Lie down on your mat with your knees bent and such that your heels are not very far away from your buttocks. Place your hands next to your body. Now slowly lift your buttocks off the floor and clasp your hands. Use the buttock muscles and your core muscles to help you stay in the position. Squeezing the buttocks muscles will be of help as well. Stay in the position at least for 20 to 30 seconds before you release and repeat the exercise.
Hip Adduction
Although this may seem as a difficult hip exercise, it is not so. You can either do this exercise using a Swiss ball or do it without it as well. I will explain the same without the use of the stability ball. Lie on your side with your legs extended out and support your neck with your hand. Now slowly lift the leg on top till your leg is in line with your hips. Slowly bring it down, but do not touch the floor and repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times. Switch sides and repeat the exercise on the other side as well.
Hip Extension
I have benefited a great deal from this thigh and butt exercise. Come down on all your fours. Slowly lift the right leg and extend it out straight behind you. Bring the leg back towards your chest, but do not touch the knee to the floor. Repeat this exercise on the right 10 to 12 times and then switch legs and continue on the other side as well.
Along with these buttocks exercises, you should do some fat burning exercises as well. The best would be to do walking exercises, running and jogging, etc. Before you do the buttock exercises, do not forget to do some warm up exercises, to avoid injuring yourself.